Wednesday 8 May 2013

Half way through...nearly

So, after some busy days behind us I think its time for another blog update. We have been out and about a lot since the last blog so there is quiet a bit to tell!

Our first school experience is nearly coming to an end and, despite the trips next week to Pilanesberg Safari Park and Cape Town, I am going to miss Vyfhoek Primary School. I have grown really attached to all of the teachers and children at the school and will definitely miss there beaming smiles and wanting of sweets and mints in the morning as soon as we get out of the car! Watching a Setswana dance and song today performed by Grades 2 and 3 brought a smile to my face; it was something I will never forget. However, hearing the story behind one child nearly brought a tear to my eye. To find out that the child's mother was only 12 when she had him, and is now 16 and still in school and shares a house with her boyfriend and his 3 other girlfriends, causing the child to be neglected and forgotten, showed one side, a dark side, of South Africa. I will never forget his face and I hope one day he is able to make something of his life, however, with the large amount of children who currently suffer or will contract HIV/AIDS, and will live a life of hardship, sadly this may not be the case. 

We also had experience of meeting the South Africa Fuzz. Unfortunately some of the girls had the unpleasant experience of having their money (and wine!) stolen by the Guest House cleaners. When two SA police officers turned up with their guns, we were expected to meet some rough burly men, although one was a lovely women and the other looked like Mo Farah! The incident was resolved quickly thankfully, despite detectives turning up too!

Last night we had the pleasure of meeting the Student Council. After seeing them waiting in their formal attire, and with us in our t-shirts and jeans, we felt slightly under dressed. However, after the early awkwardness had left, it turned into a great evening with good laughs, good food and hopefully the meeting of new good friends!

Now, with 2 days left before our Cheetah visit on Saturday and Safari on Sunday (and yes, we have a swimming pool on safari!!), its back to work before probably one of the best week of ours lives!

Dankie en totsiens!!!

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